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About Ace Team
The ACE Team is a competitive swim team that athletes can join after completing Level 6 of the New Jersey Swim Group program. With a coaching staff that includes former Korea national team members, the team provides high-quality training and opportunities to compete in events such as the Junior Olympics, Zones, and various competitions in New Jersey.
에이스팀은 뉴저지 스윔 그룹의 과정(레벨6)을 마치고 연습에 참가할수 있습니다.
한국 국가대표 출신 코치를 비롯한 실력있는 코치진의 훈련으로 주니어 올림픽, 존, 뉴저지에서 각종 대회에 참여하고 있습니다.

Bring own your equipment
All swimmers who have joined the team must carry their own equipment.
Required equipment includes:
1. Kickboard
2. Pull buoy
3. Training fins
4. Paddles.
Please bring these items in a mesh bag to every training session. Training will be difficult without proper equipment. Equipment can be purchased through the provided link.
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